

Jun 09, 2023

Wastewater leak into the Caddo River reported, don't go in the water

Bad news for anyone planning a Caddo River float trip this weekend. The Arkansas Department of Health sends word of a leak at the Glenwood sewage treatment plant that's putting a portion of the river out of play.

The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) is issuing a notification of the leakage of wastewater from the City of Glenwood's wastewater treatment plant equalization basin into the Caddo River beginning on or before May 10, 2023.

The Glenwood wastewater treatment plant equalization basin is near the Livestock Auction on the south side of US Highway 70 in Glenwood. Repair work on the wastewater treatment plant is in progress.

ADH recommends avoiding primary body contact with the water in the Caddo River for the section of the river beginning at the US Highway 70 Bridge over the Caddo River in Glenwood and continuing downstream to the Highway 84 Bridge east of Amity.

The Amity public water system has a drinking water intake on the Caddo River in the potentially affected area and has already increased the disinfectant residual added at the treatment plant to compensate for any additional microbiological loading to ensure the water remains safe to drink.

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